Generative Design and Computation Studies
Course Development Assistant, January-July 2020
Design Computing: 3D Modeling in Rhinoceros with Python and Rhinoscript
I assisted Prof. Glenn Wilcox in building out a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) that is available on Coursera & Future Learn with +10k enrolled globally!
Below is a screenshot of an interactive resource guide that I created for the course along with a few examples of work I created using lessons that are taught in the course.
Below is a playful experiment I created which is inspired by some of the lessons in the course:
Sol Lewitt Meets Python (2018)
In 1974 Sol Lewitt conceived of a series of sculptures entitled Variations of Incomplete Open Cubes. The cubes were implicitly defined through the gestalt ‘closure’ principle.
Below, I applied Sol Lewitt’s procedural logic to code written in Rhino's python script editor.
“The task of figuring out all unique variations, being sure to eliminate duplicate forms, was ultimately achieved by making three dimension models.Of course, the task could have been accomplished more efficiently by consulting a mathematician or using a computer...I was trying to figure out a way to do it through numbers or letters logically, but in the end it all have to be done inherently. I had to build a model for each one and then rotate it.”
“Joy Division” - Code written in Rhino's python script editor.
Course Development Assistant, January-July 2020, for Design Computing: 3D Modeling in Rhinoceros with Python and Rhinoscript , MOOC: Coursera & Future Learn
- Teacher assistant for the creation of a massive open online course in design computing (Rhinoscript + Python)
- Developed the curriculum, assessments, resource guides, and coding examples through demonstrations that weave Python programming lessons with Rhinoscript syntax.
- Conducted research to inform course materials, structure, and learning experience
- Promoted diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives within the course framework by outlining best practices for constructive criticism, and promoting peer-to-peer learning strategies
- Built-out the course on Coursera and Future Learn platforms:
Design Computing: 3D Modeling in Rhinoceros with Python/Rhinoscript, is now available on Coursera and Future Learn